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Call Rating Engine


XRate evaluates the transaction data or telephony calls (call data records (CDRs))

The raw data is converted into the internal XCarrier format for this purpose.

CDR data is normalized and assigned to carrier customers and supplier carriers. The destinations used are assigned according to the proprietary master code destination list. The CDRs are priced according to the call scenarios and made available to the XStat application for the billing bases.


XRate Guiding
Telephone numbers registered differently by switches are normalized into the standardized, international format so that all the information has an identical format.

Assignment (Mapping)

  • The individual transaction data (CDR) is assigned to carriers (operators) and trunks so that it can subsequently be allocated for invoices or cost controls.
  • The calling party (A-number) and called party (B-number or C-number) are assigned according to the proprietary master code destination list (DCL).
  • The costs are evaluated according to the supplier carrier DCL (costs) to avoid differences.

Transparent Call Scenarios
XRate supports national and international call scenarios so that complex calls can be correctly assigned and billed in individual sections. This includes:

  • Cost allocation for incoming or outgoing calls
  • Forward charging mechanism
  • Reverse charging mechanism
  • Bidirectional rating/call with termination and access (e.g. INA premium rate numbers in Switzerland)

Finally, partial costs and prices are assigned to the individual calls and sections and the totals are calculated.

Customer Added Value

Normalized data allows for complete processing of all data and thus ensures that the information is complete.

Call Scenario Transparency
All possible call scenarios can be mapped or developed to ensure that the cost elements are totally transparent.

Correct Pricing
All calls are provided with the intended price and cost elements. This ensures correct pricing and prevents potential commercial disputes.