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Carrier Interconnection Management


The interconnection carrier partners are set up in the XOperator application.

Carriers that want to send voice traffic as a supplier or receive it as a customer are commercially and technically defined and set up as contract partners in the application.

Specific parameters are assigned to the contract partners so that mutual voice traffic exchange can physically take place and mutually correct billing and invoice control is guaranteed.

This basic carrier data helps lay the foundations for running a consistent carrier management solution and automating it as much as possible. The telecom wholesale applications are based on this application.


Carrier Status
A carrier’s status can be set by activation or switching to passive.

Routing Plan Assignment
An XCarrier customer can operate any number of routing plans with the system. The corresponding wholesale/carrier customer is assigned specific routing plans for all available destinations or selected destinations.

Rating Definitions
The rating definitions determine what costs, prices and national taxes are allocated. The contract and settlement currency is determined too.

Account Information
Specific account information, customer-specific contact information and configurable email templates complete the carrier setup process.

Customer Added Value

The central and modular definition of the carrier and account bases guarantees continuity for all functions and applications.

Each contract partner/carrier can be specifically configured, thus ensuring a high degree of variability and flexibility. International carriers’ country organizations can thus be mapped both easily and elegantly.